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Showing posts from January, 2018

Week of LOTS of studying

Hello everyone!! Hope y'all had a fine week because that would be awesome!  Tuesday we started this new study curriculum and it has really helped the companionship grow and become way more unified. This week was studying just the Restoration and we started making our Preach My Gospels (their missionary teaching and study guide) so filled with highlights and notes so we can be the best teachers of the Restoration as possible. We also had English and it was super great because these 2 moms came and brought their children and they are the most adorable little girls as you would imagine! Made English wayyy better haha. Wednesday we went to Sora Delia's and she made more amazing food. It was chicken with potatoes and I was like in heaven because chicken and potatoes are amazingly amazing haha. We then did more studies and then hit up blocs for knocking. We didn't have much success but you have to get through the bad to find the good. Otherwise, work would be too easy!

Chillin' like a Romanian

What is up all my friends?? This week was another solid week in Galati!   Outside a Chinese Restaurant in Galati Tuesday was a pretty chill day, mainly because we had to wait for people to fix our radiators. But it was worth the wait because of apartment is now very warm and I am really enjoying it. We didn't have too much success contacting but we taught English and people actually showed up! It was pretty chill and we had a great lesson.    Elders Bowen and Sewell (photo sent to mom and dad from a member) Wednesday we went over to Sora Delia's and it was such a great morning because she made us food and she is an extremely good cook. We talked about missionary work with her and invited her to give a Book of Mormon to someone and invite them to church. We then made a lot of calls to people to try and set up a lesson of some sorts. It lead to a lot of deleted numbers, but we managed to set up a lesson with this guy named Ionut. He is an interesting guy and I

The Golden Week

The car told me to do it. Hello hello people! This week was GOLDEN for many multiple reasons!   Galati Branch with President and Sister Hettinger Tuesday was an okay day. We did mainly contacting because of the lack of people to talk to, but that's perfectly okay! We started English classes back up but not many people showed up and that is a bummer. However, we think it's because colleges are having their exams right now so we will see for the future. But it was pretty sweet because we learned that we are moving apartments to a much much nicer one. Wednesday was the highlight of our week. We had a long day of moving stuff and studies before we went over to Sora Prada to talk with her. It went pretty nicely and we felt the Spirit as we talked about faith and it's importance. But the big, amazing highlight was when we were bloc knocking late that night. We wanted to get inside and teach someone the Restoration but no one was having it. We were tired and w

Out with the Old, In with the New

Hello everybody! Hope everybody had a great week cause I sure did!   A picture at church. (He may be playing a little piano?!) Last selfie with me and Elder Dixon Tuesday was a pretty boring day overall. It was filled with riding a train for a total of 8 hours which is never really fun. It was sad because I had to say goodbye to Elder Dixon as he went off into the real world. However, it was great because I met my new companion! Elder Sewell is a pretty chill guy and I am totally looking forward to this transfer with him. We started off pretty great because this man talked to us when we were walking home, and we ended up setting up a time to meet up with him. Always be ready to talk to anyone because you never know what will happen. Picture with me and Elder Sewell at Pizza Hut! Wednesday was a solid day. We went shopping and it turns out Elder Sewell really likes to cook, and he is totally willing to cook for the both of us!! So, I've got the high life n

Meals and more meals

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! It is officially 2018 and that is sweet! Great things are to come for all of us! But first let me describe my last week of 2017.   I love God! Tuesday was a pretty dull day because Romanians were not out at all. So we forgot contacting and visited members for most of the day. We went to Familia Briscaru and taught a very good spiritual thought about the Plan of Salvation with the kids. In return, we received a 3 course Romanian meal from Sora Briscaru that she cooked herself! It was very crazy and honestly afterwards, I did not want to eat ever again. It was a fun time over there but it was crazy in general. We finished the day at Familia Stancu and that was just as crazy! They go on long tangents about weird things and we ended being there for 2 hours because of it. But we managed to commit them to Family Home Evenings which is a definite plus from that trip! Wednesday was a very beautiful day and we were able to get some stuff done. We gave out 3 Book