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Showing posts from July, 2018

Stand Ye in Holy Places

Hey everyone!!! So this was a really big week and a good amount of things went down, but I don't have all the time to talk about them, so I'll just give you all the basics! Bowen and Hoisington in the street! So the highlight and downfall of this week was when we set a baptismal date with Felix for about 24 hours. So we met up with him this week and we had a lesson about the Plan of Salvation. We had Fratele Matei with us and he was a big help for us because he loves this lesson. So we teach and it went really well and we set a date for August 18th! We were happy, Matei was happy, it was great. But we were talking with him at night and he said he no longer had any faith. So naturally, we meet up with him again and it was an interesting meeting. Essentially he is looking for historical evidence that the Book of Mormon is true and he doesn't have that evidence that it is true. So, we dropped his date and we won't be meeting with him anymore until he starts having

Snagov: Betcha never heard of that before

Hello everybody! Another hard working week in Bucuresti!!!! Bucuresti Zone Elders Tuesday was a solid day because it was Zone Conference! Of course it was in Bucuresti and we had quite a good time. We focused a lot on using members more in our missionary work. The motto of the conference was MEMBER IT and we got pretty hyped about everything. It was cool to see everyone as well and see how everyone is doing. Elder Thomson and Bowen the old Pitesti crew Wednesday we had a full day of contacting and lessons and it went pretty well. We had 2 big lessons with our men Felix and Florian. The first one with Felix was pretty darn good. We had a member named Fratele Matei with us and we gave a pretty scattered Restoration lesson for the most part. But it was really good because it helped Felix get comfortable with Matei and it should start a great friendship between the 2 of them. Our second lesson with Florian was also pretty good. It was really quick and simple because we

Well, I Like Kebab

Hey everyone!! This was a killer week for sure! Piata Victoriei Tuesday we had exchanges with the Assistants because they are in our district. I was with Elder Welling and it was a pretty good time. We did some good contacting overall at a couple different places but nothing overall crazy happened. I did have a good conversation, though, with this guy named Alex. Apparently he plays American football here in Romania, while being Romanian. Pretty crazy time for sure haha. But that was essentially the highlight of our time together. Wednesday we had a simple day of contacting on the streets. We had success for the most part, but I didn't have any over the top conversations that led to baptism, but we are trying our best and working hard to make things work out here. Bucharest! Thursday we had weekly planning and had a good discussion about what makes a mission fun. I have not mastered that as I definitely have days where I'm not as happy as I possibly could be, but

"Whatever it is, we are against it" - Romania?

Hey everyone it was a pretty great week in Bucuresti! Tuesday we had exchanges with the Zone Leaders and I went with Elder Krylborn. He's a pretty awesome guy and we had a really solid day! We spoke in Romanian for a good amount of the day and focused a lot on how to keep accountable with the goals we have set. Overall, it was a great day and we were able to see a lot of success because of our hard work!   At a mall in Bucharest - me being me Wednesday we didn't do much overall except we had someone try to fix our hot water and have it ultimately fail so they told us they would try again the next day. So that was fun? Thursday we had a good day as we met with a member named Fang Shuang (he's from China) do his Family History so that was pretty awesome!! We also got some pretty great lunch with him so that was pretty great! We then had a lesson with a man named Florian who ended up being super awesome! We taught a 30 minute Restoration and he ab

It's Like Catching Lightning

Hey everyone this week was a huge week and it brought back the memories of being in Bucuresti! But now this time is the start of me and Elder Hoisington!   IKEA Candy!! Tuesday was a tiring day as I met Elder Hoisington and it turns out that before we could do any missionary work, we had to start the process of moving apartments. Apparently, we were moving into a new apartment and that was the first priority before we could start anything. So our days on Tuesday and Wednesday were just moving apartments and cleaning up so everything would go well. Needless to say, we got it done!!! Thursday we still had stuff we needed to do, but we managed to do some missionary work as well. During that, I was able to meet another Mihai while contacting. He was a super cool guy with a wife from Nepal and a desire to learn. He said he was going through hard times and he wanted to come to church. I hope his desire turns into something great in the future!!! Friday we had a lesson with