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Showing posts from February, 2019

Blood, Blood, Blood, Your Oranges

Elders Dahl, Stark, Bowen, Landon Hey everyone!! This was one of those awesome weeks for us here in Cluj-Napoca! We were able to have many lessons with people and when we didn't have lessons, we had great finding activities and that led to finding more and more friends. Probably the best part of this week was that we had a lesson with a great guy named Alexandru. We met him while walking on the street and doing contacting by the way towards the church. We stopped him and he expressed how he loved singing at church so we invited him to church. Unfortunately, he was out of town but we eventually set up a lesson with him and it was super awesome! We were teaching the Restoration and that led to a super spiritual discussion with him. He discussed how he got on the path towards God and everything he was sharing was something that related to our lives and we shared our experiences with the Gospel blessing us and helping us know of God's love for us. That brought the Spirit

Throw That Javelin!!!

This week was a really interesting, but great week. For me, it was spent mostly outside of Cluj, but we still did great work wherever we were. We've still been working hard to work with Gabriel, our man on baptismal date, and it's been good/bad. He is continuing to read the Book of Mormon and a Gospel Principles book and is really liking it, but he has been pretty flaky as well. He's been making excuses to not come to lessons or to church and when we asked him if we could visit him at his place, he was very against the idea. We hope that this week is better and that we can sit down with him and reset our expectations, especially with coming to church. He has good desires, but I don't know if he is looking for the eternal perspective. We also are working with Robert, the miracle man. He is a very open person, and he is willing to pray to find the truth. We hope that this week we can continue to help grow his faith and trust in God. Other than that, we haven'

Uatci iă năţi...

Hey everyone this was an AWESOME week!!!!!!!! Splits in Sibiu! Even with some lessons falling through, we worked hard and we were able to see the fruits of our labors and those fruits were the greatest things I have ever tasted. What was great was that we continued our hot streak of talking to people and yet again, we didn't have a single day under 10 conversations. We just talked with everyone and we were persistent as well with these people. That lead to us finding 7 new friends this week, and at least one new person every single day. Needless to say, the Spirit was strong with us and that led to so many miracles and fire moments for us. I would like to share a few of those with you. The first that I want to share is about a man named Robert. I met Robert on Friday on our exchange with Sibiu while we were walking to the church building. I saw him in the distance and felt a strong prompting to talk to him. So I did and we starting having a really good conversation. He was

What Manner of Men Ought Ye to Be?

Salut tuturor copiilor porumbului! First off, I now know my new companion!! He is an awesome guy named Elder Stark from American Fork, Utah and let me tell you, we are going to have a great time!! We are both super excited to get to work with him in this awesome city! This was an amazing week for us here in Cluj!I think the coolest thing about this week was not only that we hit the standards of excellence every day, but we exceeded them everyday! Elder Stark and I have been trying our best to talk to everyone, contacting by the way, and trying new everything. Because of that, we had an average of around 15-20 conversations each day. It felt super good just to talk to people and bring souls unto Christ! Now we have more people in our teaching pool and we are ready to set up many more lessons. We also found some referrals for missionaries in Turkey and Italy so great things are happening for all nations! We have also been trying to set up more lessons with people, but everyone has