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Showing posts from October, 2018

Who Knew Classical Music Was Such A Party?

Hey everyone it seems like it's been half a week since I last emailed you because it has. But it's been a party here for sure!!! We were really blessed to have 5 people that we're working with come to church on Sunday and I want to highlight 2. The first is a girl named Giulia, the girl from English that we have been working with a bit. We talked with her at English on Saturday and invited her to church again and she told us she was already thinking about coming. So she came and she told us she was really really glad she came. We are meeting with her tonight and we hope the same desire to follow Christ will be there from yesterday. The second is a woman named Tamara. She was a new English student on Saturday and in the middle of the class, she asks a question completely off-topic. She asked about the church and what all this was so I explained that we are missionaries teaching about Jesus Christ and serving others through English. She loved the idea and said she wanted

Alaska Fighting Palm Trees - Part 2

//From Cole's dad In a previous email, Elder Bowen talked about the Alaska Fighting Palm Trees, the fantasy college football team he and Elder Kemeny had invented to add some fun to their exercise time.  He invited us to make up a logo, and well we did.  In addition, a good friend from work is from Romania and went to visit family, so we sent a few things over to Cole, including some new shirts celebrating their team.  Here are a few pics of a little fun in Timisoara. The new Logo! The Team!  Kemeny and Bowen

I Shook the Hand of an Apostle...TWICE!

Hey everyone!!! I am so sorry for the late email. I know you probably hate me, and when I tell you why you'll probably be jealous of me, but I hope you still love me because I love you!! This week was a really great week. Even though we have been dealing with all these issues and problems, we managed to find many new and amazing people to teach. We met up once again with Raul, but this time he brought his friend Marta along! And we taught the plan of salvation to them both and it was really great! The spirit was super strong and they both had great questions. One question was from Raul asking if homosexual people can reach the Celestial Kingdom. We knew this would be a rough subject, because we know he is homosexual, but we answered it to the best of our ability, saying that God does not limit any of his children. We have our own choices and as long as we follow the example of Jesus through baptism and continue on this path, we will reach the Celestial kingdom. It will be a

BABY! I compare you....

Hey everyone how's it going? Good, that good! This week was full of many things that are not fun and fun at the same time. We still have financial issues to solve so woohoo! We are currently in the process to figure out how to fix the branch debit card so we can actually use it. Unfortunately, that has not been fixed to this very moment, a sad thing for sure isn't it? But hey, not all problems can be solved with a kiss like in the princess and the frog, so we'll just be patient and work hard to fix what we can. But hey, we had some good come from this week! We have been talking to our friend Raul and he is super awesome!! One, because he is an incredible artist and can draw stuff like a rose , humans, anything! And second because he has started reading from the Book of Mormon!! He was already excited to read the book, but he actually executed and he is on the brink of many things. He has read up to 1 Nephi 13 already and he told us that he

What's in a name?

Hey everyone!! I will apologize in advance for no email on Monday. We had some financial stuff go on and since I am the Branch President, I am the one responsible for these things. #blessings Anyways, here's my week!!! We had many great lessons this week and we are getting the work progressing very well. The first was with Loredana and while we love meeting with her, it's starting to get very redundant when she is not keeping her commitments and we are committing her to the same things every week. This week, we committed her to pray with the specific question of "Is the Book of Mormon true?". The unfortunate fact is that she prayed to end the lesson and she didn't ask the question or end in the name of Jesus Christ. So we were pretty sad and now we do not know how to help her progress, but we will keep trying cause there is hope that she will keep commitments. We also had a lesson with Darius and that was probably our highlight of our week. He came and we taug

The Alaska Fighting Palm Trees

Hey everyone so this week was a pretty eventful week so let me just get to the deep stuff. So first, the bad news. This week was a pretty fun week because we got bedbugs........yes, it is quite a shame, but it happened. We don't know why but we have been trying to fix everything. We have been having the help of Sora Hettinger and that has been good but circumstances have not been fun. We couldn't buy mattress covers until today because everything was closed. And then today we were going to buy them and then I lost 200 lei that was going to be used for mattress covers. I don't know why, but we then had to get some more and instead of 200, I brought 300 just in case. Long story short, we go to the store and get the covers and it was going to be 700 lei but they are having an October sale and we got them for under 500. We had just enough money to buy the covers and I felt like that was a tender mercy for a stress-filled weekend. We hope that the situation will end soon, so