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BABY! I compare you....

Hey everyone how's it going? Good, that good!

This week was full of many things that are not fun and fun at the same time. We still have financial issues to solve so woohoo! We are currently in the process to figure out how to fix the branch debit card so we can actually use it. Unfortunately, that has not been fixed to this very moment, a sad thing for sure isn't it? But hey, not all problems can be solved with a kiss like in the princess and the frog, so we'll just be patient and work hard to fix what we can.

But hey, we had some good come from this week! We have been talking to our friend Raul and he is super awesome!! One, because he is an incredible artist and can draw stuff like a rose, humans, anything! And second because he has started reading from the Book of Mormon!! He was already excited to read the book, but he actually executed and he is on the brink of many things. He has read up to 1 Nephi 13 already and he told us that he really likes the book. He told us he feels peace, which has been a grey area for him because his life has been very not peaceful let's say. But ooh it's awesome because he has felt more peace than he has ever felt in his life. The more we meet with Raul, the more I get pumped to see how it all goes. Then, the most awesomest thing got more awesome because his mother, a stranger to us and our customs and a devout and strict Catholic, found his Book of Mormon. It seemed like the end, but it was actually a miracle because she actually is supporting him while he is searching out religion! Now he feels way more comfortable about meeting us and isn't scared to move forward so YEAH!

Now that we have another week in front of us, we hope that we can make all your dreams come true. We have been seeing wonders here and there, like a rose filled garden to a stress-free day to fun conversations about basically anything. The work is in bloom here in Timisoara and the light hits the gloom on the grey of the Seal of Orthodoxy on these Romanian hearts. The work is progressing and while we may be cast down or rejected, we are not destroyed nor forgotten. This church, this message is very much true. Without the Book of Mormon, I would not know that God loves me so profoundly and that there is hope in a world of horror and terror. Depression and suicide can be conquered by reading from the Book of Mormon, much like our great friend Raul has experienced. This email is from me and my perspective so I invite you to read for yourself and find the truth and hope that this book contains. I love you all and I hope and pray you all have a very fun week!! LOVES!

Va iubesc,
Elder Bowen

P.S. The underlined words do mean something

and a little video Street Music

Adventures in cleaning a water filter 


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