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Week 3 in the books!

HEYYYYY YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS???? It is email time!!!!!!!!! This week was full of entertainment and I have a lot to tell you so listen up!

Sunday was another great day in the MTC! The talks in our sacrament meeting were focused around the Holy Ghost which really brought the spirit to the meeting. We also got the opportunity to watch a talk by Elder Bednar called "Recognizing the Spirit". I learned really one big thing from that talk and it was to QUIT WORRYING ABOUT IT!!!! If you are given a prompting and it tells you to do something good, then do it. It is the Holy Ghost working among you and you should not doubt that fact. I really loved how even though that talk was years in the past, it stills applies to today! I was also called to be Zone Leader of my entire Zone , which freaks me out cause I am the youngest elder out of all of them but I feel blessed to be put in that position. My zone is gonna rock!! (A zone is a group of missionary districts, and districts are the smallest group of missionary companionships.  Cole’s district is composed of 3 elders and 4 sisters all going to Romania.  His zone is all the missionaries in his district and a few districts that are going to Italy)

Monday was a pretty normal day and nothing too extravagant happened. Me and Elder Atkinson matched though and we looked really fly and cool and we just were amazing! We took those cute photos of us acting like we didn't plan it, but really we did. It made a pretty boring day fun!

Tuesday was another big devotional day! We got to hear from Elder Bragg of the 70 (a group of the senior church leaders) and he talked about how to be a compelling missionary. It was really amazing to listen to because once again it was directed towards us missionaries. He told us how to be the best missionaries possible and to have the best mission ever. Afterwards, my district talked about how all that applied to us and we got very deep with each other. for the sake of privacy, I won't disclose information, but I could feel the spirit so strongly and could tell how my district was changing into a family. We also got to teach an actual Romanian church member which honestly was very weird but it was great.

Wednesday was personally my worst day. We started teaching 2 new investigators and it was a lot of stress and strain on my limited Romanian self. But my companions were by my side the entire time and we managed to pull off two very spiritual lessons. Wednesday was also the day I got to host new missionaries! It was awesome because they are so new and I'm so experienced and I could help them feel way better entering the MTC.

Here is a video of the district singing How Firm A Foundation in Romanian

Thursday was also a very rough day. The 2 investigator lessons were very rough and I felt as though I struggled through them again. But Elder Atkinson and Elder Ward are great encouragement and help for me. We managed great lessons and I felt the spirit but I was so tired and really needed 24 hours of sleep. And to add to all that, Elder Atkinson hurt his tailbone right after recovering from shoulder spasms. He cannot catch a break!!!

But that has lead us to FRIDAY! Today has been great and I have loved being able to relax for a day. We also are fortunate to be having General Conference tomorrow and Sunday! i want to challenge all of you to have a question going into conference. If you do, I know you will feel the spirit strongly and will receive an answer. 

Eu stiu ca Dumnezeu este Tatal Nostru Ceresc Iubitor. Dumnezeu ne iubeste. Eu cred ca Cartea lui Mormon este adevarul si cuprinde cuvantul lui Dumnezeu.

Eu va iubesc!!!! I love you all and miss you all so much!!!!

Elder Bowen

1 – District pointing to Romania (Elder Ward, me, Elder Atkinson, Sister Staley, Sister Zink, Sister Colt, Sister Sheffield)
2 – The District in front of the Provo LDS Temple

3 – Cole’s Zone at Lunch (featuring Erin Worsham (a good friend of ours and Sora Sheffield's sister who works in the MTC) in the back)


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