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Showing posts from January, 2019

Get Jazzed!

Hey everyone! This was a crazy week for sure! So transfers happened and good news, I am not leaving Cluj!! But I will not be with Elder Dahl because we are both training new elders up here!! I'm still a Zone Leader, but I am on double duty now which is pretty crazy, but I am super excited! This next transfer will be a great one!! On the train. We truly finished the transfer strong, both as a companionship and as a zone. This week we really wanted to find people and teach lessons, getting back to the basics of everything. We had a companionship study and focused on improving our finding so we can have more people taking the lessons and coming to church. We focused on finding new areas of contacting, better teaching in finding situations, and varying our finding methods. We found great success this week with varying our methods, as we found 3 new people from the Area Book that we had not tried yet. One of those was a man named Florin, who came to church and really wants to le

Hai să Facem Treabă România!

Hey y'all hope you haven't been consumed by copiii porumbului because this was a great week! We have been continuing to work with the people we have already and while it's been going well, it's a very slow process. We had a lesson with a guy named Andrei and that went super well! He likes meeting with us and wants to read the Book of Mormon and pray, but now the problem is his desire to come to church. So we have decided to start slow with simple doctrinal points to help grow his testimony and desire to come to church. So we started with faith and just discussed the importance of faith and how we can grow our faith. We invited him to read Ether 12 on faith and we'll meet up with him again this week to follow up. We wanted to meet up with Elisei this week, but he always had things come up so he couldn't meet or come to church. He's our closest to baptism and we know we will set a baptismal date with him once he comes to church. We didn't do as much as

65 lei? That's like 200 dollars!

Hey Fam and Friends and Copiii Porumbului!! This was a very solid week and we feel really good heading into this new week. Probably the greatest thing that happened this week was that we starting teaching this younger guy named Elisei. He's in his early 20s and was found from our English classes. He was pretty excited to meet with us and we managed to have 2 great lessons with him. The first was on the Restoration and he really seemed to enjoy it. We gave him a Book of Mormon and he was willing to read it to find the truth. We then had a follow-up lesson to see how everything was going. He unfortunately did not read the assigned passage, so we read with him. It was only the introduction, but he really liked what it was about and felt good about that. Afterwards, we went into the Plan of Salvation and that was pretty awesome. He was asking great questions and he was reiterating what we taught in his own understanding and he loved it. He prayed at the end of the lesson thanking G

The Tale of the Blue Jabba the Hutt

Hey everyone!! This was a crazy week but super awesome!!! Tree of Life? We started getting things done and off our plates which lead to more time finding and doing missionary work. We've been putting the focus a lot on finding people to open our teaching pool. So we took a lot of advice from our Zone Conference presentation and put it to practice. I will be honest, it has been much for invigorating for Elder Dahl and I and we have seen more opportunities come. We have been doing a much better job finding by the way and because of that, we have found more and more people willing to listen to the gospel. We are still weak and have a lot to learn, but the effort has really helped us energize our finding efforts. We have also been using other methods like English to bring in young people willing to learn. For example, there is a young man named Elisei who expressed a really sincere desire to meet up (he even said he can't wait to have a meeting to talk about the church) and w