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Meals and more meals

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! It is officially 2018 and that is sweet! Great things are to come for all of us! But first let me describe my last week of 2017.
I love God!
Tuesday was a pretty dull day because Romanians were not out at all. So we forgot contacting and visited members for most of the day. We went to Familia Briscaru and taught a very good spiritual thought about the Plan of Salvation with the kids. In return, we received a 3 course Romanian meal from Sora Briscaru that she cooked herself! It was very crazy and honestly afterwards, I did not want to eat ever again. It was a fun time over there but it was crazy in general. We finished the day at Familia Stancu and that was just as crazy! They go on long tangents about weird things and we ended being there for 2 hours because of it. But we managed to commit them to Family Home Evenings which is a definite plus from that trip!

Wednesday was a very beautiful day and we were able to get some stuff done. We gave out 3 Books of Mormon to people while contacting and then headed over to Domnul Popovici for a lesson with him. We talked about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how it is such an important part of returning to God again. It was a super great lesson and we felt the Spirit so strongly with him. He is still strongly Orthodox but we can slowly see that he is breaking and believing in what we are teaching. It's pretty exciting because the more we teach him, the more he is going to change and change is good!!!

Thursday was a pretty rough day overall. We had 2 lessons set up and both people ended up not showing up and that was pretty annoying. Plus I felt pretty sick the entire day so we essentially called it a day and I went to bed early. 

Friday was a sweet day because I am starting to get into post-training mode. With Elder Dixon leaving, I will need to be more responsible with planning, lessons, etc. which is nerve-wracking but exciting at the same time! We also had a lesson with Ionuti, a less-actives boyfriend and because Elder Dixon is leaving, I took the lead in the lesson. And it went quite well! We read from 3 Nephi 11 and related that chapter to the Restoration which was pretty great!! I feel we are moving along pretty well with him and with time I think good things will happen for him and his girlfriend.
Cool statue in Galati
Saturday was a dull day and nothing really worked out. I did find out, however, my new companion! My new companions name is Elder Sewell and I will meet up with him tomorrow which is pretty exciting. Elder Dixon says he's a good missionary but that I will have to still be working extremely hard regardless. It was a highlight of the day and I hope good things will happen from that.

Sunday was probably the grossest day. Church was very great with all the members praising Elder Dixon before he goes home. It was a nice service and I enjoyed it. However, the latter half of the day included a hard time contacting with no one really outside, hard time bloc knocking because everyone is partying for New Years, and another 3 course meal from the Briscarus. It was a really rough day and needless to say, we were ready to go to bed when we got home haha. 
A normally busy street in Galati that is dead because of the holidays
With it being the new year, resolutions are always evident. This year, I want all of you to join me in this simple resolution. Smile more, be happy, make new friends, complain less and work more, act instead of being acted upon, love your enemies and bless those who curse you, trust in the Lord have faith in the Lord rejoice in the Lord, or to simplify everything...Be like Christ. It is a hard thing to do for sure, but it is oh so amazing. You will be blessed if you strive to be like Jesus. Love you all and wish you a Happy New Year!

La Multi Ani! Va iubesc,

Elder Bowen


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