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Out with the Old, In with the New

Hello everybody! Hope everybody had a great week cause I sure did!
A picture at church. (He may be playing a little piano?!)
Last selfie with me and Elder Dixon

Tuesday was a pretty boring day overall. It was filled with riding a train for a total of 8 hours which is never really fun. It was sad because I had to say goodbye to Elder Dixon as he went off into the real world. However, it was great because I met my new companion! Elder Sewell is a pretty chill guy and I am totally looking forward to this transfer with him. We started off pretty great because this man talked to us when we were walking home, and we ended up setting up a time to meet up with him. Always be ready to talk to anyone because you never know what will happen.

Picture with me and Elder Sewell at Pizza Hut!

Wednesday was a solid day. We went shopping and it turns out Elder Sewell really likes to cook, and he is totally willing to cook for the both of us!! So, I've got the high life now haha. We managed to meet people and set up for 2 lessons which was pretty sweet to start off the week. 

Thursday was a bummer because both lessons we had set up for fell through. It was kinda upsetting because that seems to happen a lot in Galati and I was really looking forward to having people actually want to meet with us. But we kept working and did our best to make up for the lost time.

Ceata or heavy fog in Galati

Friday, we managed to get a lot done. We planned for this week and we really are looking at a solid week. We have faith for good things and we hope that our efforts will pay off. We also had a lesson with an investigator named Radu. It was an okay lesson, but he understands we want to talk about Jesus. He just doesn't understand that what we are saying is going to help his life be happier and better in general. He told us he was going through a lot and I was able to testify that coming to church will bring him peace and he will feel God's love for him. We invited him to come to church and he said he would try which was better than a no. We also went bloc knocking and we knocked into this family! We talked about the Book of Mormon with them and they accepted a copy and we hope we can meet up with them this coming week!!

Saturday was a good day even though nothing big happened. We focused on improving our contacting skills and being more bold. We ended up finalizing a way by asking a question about something (Book of Mormon, for example), explain the question, and testify. It's a short, easy way to contact but we found a good amount of people by doing so. You have to hit them with the short, powerful, spiritual punches to truly reel them in.

Sunday was Fast Sunday and it was a solid day overall. Elder Sewell was able to meet the branch and we are already planning to work with the members hardcore because that is one of the ways success will come is by member work. We finished the day by going over to another investigator's place named Iulian Popovici and we essentially told him straight up that our church is the only true church with priesthood authority and a living prophet on the earth (while President Thomas S. Monson did pass away, we ordain all the apostles as prophets, seers, and revelators). It was really hard for Popovici to take that all in and you could tell he was thinking very hard on what to say. People need that realization because otherwise they will never receive it.

One of the members Sora Stancu told me it was selfie time, and took this then sent it to my dad. (Parents love random pictures of smiling kids from halfway across the world!)

Smile more, be happy, make new friends, complain less and work more, act instead of being acted upon, love your enemies and bless those who curse you, trust in the Lord have faith in the Lord rejoice in the Lord, or to simplify everything...Be like Christ. Have an awesome week and I love you all!

Va iubesc,
Elder Bowen


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