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Cactus Jack and the Notebook

Hey everyone! It was a pretty great week honestly over here!

This week we had a lot of great experiences, all I feel like according to our faith and diligence. First off, we had a couple great lessons with Mihai as we focused on the Plan of Salvation and our purpose on Earth. We testified strongly of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and that brought the Spirit which prompted us to invite him to baptism on June 29th. He accepted and this Sunday he came to church and took another step forward towards baptism. He is progressing pretty well and now we want to ask him the baptismal interview questions to know where the is and what the next steps are for his progression. And then we have Dragos who we taught the Restoration and he just ate it up. His first comments when we asked about his religious background were he wants to come closer to God. So when we testified that the Book of Mormon is a witness of Jesus Christ and that a man will come closer to God by reading it, he had no hesitation to say yes. That desire led to the prompting to invite him to baptism for the 13th of July. He unfortunately didn't come to church because he had a last minute emergency, but he wants this and will come next week. Not to mention a man named Vlad who had come to church twice now and when asked about being a member of this church said he would think about it. We plan on having a spirit-filled lesson with him so he will have that desire to be baptized. The Lord is guiding this work and it is beautiful.

Our members are doing awesome!! We have the Constantin family (President Constantin and Luminița) who just recently got married and that was awesome!  I was the one who baptized Luminița and to see her get married to the Branch President is awesome. And now we really want to get them to bring Luminița's daughter to church. Her name is Rahela and she's 15. We just want to have the family aspect back in Pitesti so they can have a very gospel centred home. We also have Maria and we want her to be a better member missionary by teaching her the Restoration as a refresh so she can teach her friends the same message so they can feel the Spirit strongly. Member work is something we really want to emphasize this week, whether it be with returning members or with members that come more often.

It's been wonderful being back here and I know the Lord has a divine plan for each and every one of us. He truly loves us and wants us to be happy. So never forget that!! I love you all and I hope you all have a great week!!

Vă iubesc,
Elder Bowen


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