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Day 1 - to the Provo Missionary Training Center

Day 1

(from David not Cole)
The day began so early.  We arrived at the Des Moines Airport at 4:30 for a 6:00 Flight.  Checking in was no problem, but it became real that this was the first steps in embarking on this two year adventure.

Saying goodbye was hard for all, but we all kept it all together.

The itinerary took Cole from Des Moines to Dallas-Fort Worth to Salt Lake City.  He fortunately met up with a couple other missionaries enroute to the Provo Missionary Training Center (MTC).
Aunt Lisa met Cole at the airport.  The flight was slightly delayed, but they were able to get out of Salt Lake quickly as his bags were the first off the plane.
We spoke with Cole as they traveled to Provo.  He was in good spirits, and proud to have navigated security, connections, gate changes, and all that excitement.
In Provo, he also met up with his Aunt Sara and her family (Uncle Simon, Kajsa, Brynn, Maya, Isak) and Uncle Scott and his family (Aunt Megan, Beatrice, Eliza).
 Cole with Cousins
 Cole with Aunts and Uncles
Drop-Off at the MTC with Aunt Lisa
Cole's Host at the MTC
Shortly after he arrived at the Provo Missionary Training Center, he emailed home with the following info
"Hey guys! I made it safely to the MTC and have already started Romanian training! Miss you guys and I love you! I'll email on my p-day."
We replied and asked if he needed anything, and he responded. "I think I need some more Romanian lessons. It is crazy learning it right now."

That is how it all started.  Wish him luck!


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