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Being Taught By Their Mothers

Hello all you happy people!!!! This was a really great week over here in Cluj. A lot of things have been happening for us as we are teaching our friends, finding new friends, helping our returning members come back, and helping fellow missionaries out on exchanges.

We had a great opportunity to teach a guy named Szabolcs this week. He's from Romania, but his parents are Hungarian and he speaks Hungarian better than Romania. We had a good first lesson with him about the Restoration and he was asking great questions from the soul about many other aspects of the gospel, like the plan of salvation and the commandments. He was really open to learn and when we gave him a Book of Mormon and invited him to read it, he gladly took it and wanted to read it. He has a busy schedule because he is a doctor, but we've been keeping good contact and it's been really great! We hope to keep meeting with him as much as possible and get him to church so his progression can continue.

We unfortunately had to drop our baptismal date with Robert because he did not come to church and we just weren't able to meet with him at all this week. It's pretty rough and I think his desire has slowly began to dwindle, but we hope that we can meet up with him again this week and be able to help him stay energized by the Spirit. I'm hoping to get back in contact with him and help him get back on track towards baptism again.

We really focused this week on working with returning members and it worked really well. We met with Emil twice this week and established that we want to do Come Follow Me with him. He's was up for it and our first go at it was really great! We went over Luke 15, which is all about the lost sheep, lost coin, and prodigal son. It was really cool to discuss the questions from the manual and Emil was getting really involved which was great! And then at the end we asked him if he knew any person who was lost and needed to be found and he gave us a name of a member that is also returning that he thinks would be good to try. It was really cool because he had never given us a referral with a name before and this time it took like 3 seconds for him to think of a name and it was great! The Spirit was strong and I hope we can continue to find success through Come Follow Me.

I had this awesome exchange this week with Elder Kutchinsky, a great missionary serving in Arad. He's from Arizona and is a super cool guy. We did some great things, had great lessons, and even became loyal Mega Image followers (see picture with green cards). It was a fun day with him and I hope for the best for him back in Arad.

Well, yesterday was Mother's Day and it was a great opportunity to send appreciations to all the mothers out there. It reminds me of the Stripling Warriors of old who "had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them." We are all blessed to have mothers that look after us and teach us the correct ways of life and how we can return back to God. I am so blessed and thankful for such a great mother who did exactly that and I hope you all are too. So go and have a great week and know that God loves you very much!!! Go and rock the world!!

Va iubesc,
Elder Bowen


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