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It's Been Quite a Ride

Hey everyone, this was a rockin week with some rockin happenings!!!

We got soaked in the rain...

First things first, church has been lit. We had a branch council this week to discuss ways to bring back members and help create a bond with investigators and the council was all in for it. Another great thing that happened with members was that I had a little talk with all the priesthood brethren about some sick members that are unable to come to church. We set up a rotation for us to visit them each Sunday to give the sacrament to them and to help them feel loved by this branch. And the brethren are absolutely willing to do this work for our fellow brothers and sisters. And the last thing I saw was how unified this branch was this week. We had 19 people at church with 4 investigators and after sacrament, probably every member talked to each investigator like they were part of the family. I have never been more proud of a branch/ward in my entire life. Great things are happening with these members and it's beautiful to be a part of. This branch has become an amazing part of my life and I am super blessed to be apart of these lives. Plus the members are starting to call me "President Bowen" a lot and one member even gave me a shout out in her talk this Sunday (which by the way was one of the most amazing talks ever by humility and just sent me on a Spiritual roller coaster ride haha). I LOVE TIMISOARA!!!

On a sadder note, we had to go to Constanta this week to pick up Elder Kemeny's visa. This is kind of how the day went....Went to the airport at 6:30, plane supposed to leave at 8:30 but gets delayed till 10, gets to Buc at 11ish, leaves to Constanta at 12 on bus, gets there at 3:30, picks up visa, comes back to Buc on train at 5, leaves on another train to Timi at 9 and spend the entire night hot and not able to sleep. Yeah, if that was a lot for you, I feel. It was a rough day, but we got it down and that's all I'm asking for in anything haha.
It was like a marching band in the streets.

We have been working hard with investigators as well and we are focusing down on people who have been progressing more than others. Marius and Andra are doing great, but we haven't been able to do much because they have been busy. Plus, we need to get them married so we can start prepping them for baptism. Loredana is probably the person who has surprised us the most. She wasn't going to church often back in the day, but these past few weeks have been huge for her. She started reading the Book of Mormon again this week and is absolutely loving it. Last we checked, she had not missed a day. And she has come to church twice now since we started buckling down on her again. But we saw a miracle with her today actually as she called saying she couldn't meet with us at 2 but she could at 11. The funny thing was that we didn't set up to meet with her on Tuesday. I think that's a miracle that God really is looking out for us.

I could go on about the amount of miracles I've seen in Romania. But the one that has been stuck in my head has been just this transfer alone. Elder Kemeny and I came into this city knowing nothing about anything and having to put together the pieces of a branch and a shallow teaching pool. It really was hard and it is still hard to this day. There have been countless times that I have walked home with 5+ things running through my mind about the branch, the district, the companionship, the work, anything and everything. But we have been blessed with a wonderful branch that has unified itself and is ready to help. We have been blessed with an English class that has been bringing in a lot of people of interest. We have been blessed with Loredana, Marius, Andra, and many others who are willing to come to church and seek out the truth. This transfer has pushed me to the max and beyond and even on the days where I see only hard times, I am reminded that God still loves me and that in itself is a blessing beyond compare. I have been blessed with a companion willing to work hard and learn and grow. We are working hard and learning lots and we are getting things done here in Timisoara! Miracles, tender mercies, etc. are all around us. All we have to do is open our eyes and be ready to receive them when they are around us. I love you guys and I hope you all have a great week! LOVES!

Va iubesc,
Elder Bowen


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