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Transfers and Brownies

Hey hey hey! This week was super awesome and very eventful so listen up!

The Galati Elders
Winder, Thomson, Bowen, Dixon
Taken as Winder and Thomson are heading out.

Tuesday was a pretty cold day in Galati to say the least. We resorted to showing the Light the World video  (go see it is really well done) to people in blocks which was nice but people weren't the most receptive. However, we did end up meeting with this less active member at her home and we spent some time talking to her. Her name is Emelia and she told us how she's really struggling with family and her living situations. We send all members and investigators a small spiritual thought everyday and she told us that our texts have really helped her. The Lord really does bless us in the small and simple things so let that motivate you to do the small things even if they aren't the easiest things. We finished the night with English and we gave them a simple thought about hope. Hope requires faith which requires action. We can't just sit around "hoping" something will happen. We need to work diligently and have faith that if we act now, we will be blessed. That is true hope.

Wednesday we went to Bucuresti for a training meeting which meant I got to see my entire MTC district!!! It was super awesome to see them and hear all the awesome stories and experiences they had. The meeting was designed to just help us keep on track for our next 6 weeks in training (New missionaries in Romania are in training for 12 weeks). It was a super cool conference and I really enjoyed everything. President Hettinger talked to us about spiritual gifts and how we all have them. We are all gifted in something whether we see it or not. As missionaries, we need to let those gifts shine for people to see. It was such a cool meeting and I loved the entire day even if I was on a train for 9 hours overall...

Thursday was the start of the new and improved companionship. We set goals for this next transfer and we decided to be more bold. We want to have the courage to go up to people and just talk with them no matter the circumstance. We want to be bold in talking to people, bold in teaching lessons, and bold in inviting people to come unto Christ. Because if we don't, who knows who will. We also went to this street fair (much like the Iowa State Fair kind of) and I had this thing called "mici". It is essentially just pork and it was pretty interesting to say the least (I will keep the description down to a minimum cause it's gross to describe, but it's good food I promise). We also met this man on the street who was interested in our message. However, he is Atheist so it was weird to talk. He said he is free to choose whatever he wants, even though there are consequences. We showed him 2 Nephi 2:27 which is about agency and it fit in nicely with what we were talking to him about. God has given us agency, yes, and we are free to choose, yes, but God wants us to choose the righteous choice. We are free to choose liberty and eternal life through Christ or death and suffering through Satan. We are free to choose either path but if we choose to follow Christ instead of Satan, we will be blessed beyond compare.

A street fair in Galati

Friday was an interesting day to say the least. We started out being bold and confident and we were able to share the Light the World video to 16 people after our daily goal of 10 so that was pretty legit! We met many great people and were able to give a Book of Mormon to this one guy who wants to come to church! But at the end of the day come the rough part... It was transfer board day and both Elder Thomson and Elder Winder are leaving Galati to different cities and the city of Galati will become a 2 man city. Hearing that news was pretty nerve-wracking because the city is now left in the hands of me and Elder Dixon and that is freaking scary. But I have full confidence is us because of our goal to be bold and Elder Dixon's great wisdom and guidance. 

Saturday was a pretty sweet day! We met this woman named Nicoleta and she was very interested in our message about Jesus Christ. She accepted a Book of Mormon and we told her to read 3 Nephi 11 which is the start of Christ teaching in the Americas. That lead to another man named George to be committed to do the same thing later that day. And we did that by just talking to him on the street. We got a solid 2 people to accept a Book of Mormon and to accept the invitation to read. It was another sign of how great our new being bold goal has become. 

Sunday was fast Sunday and we were lucky enough to have 19 people at church!! Mainly because this family from Brasov came to church and all the active members came,

but it was still super awesome! Later that day we were invited to eat lunch at a English student's house named Liliana. She spent the entire day making us dinner and it was super great to end a fast on. She made eggplant spread for bread, ciorba de legume (vegetable soup), and rice and chicken with pumpkin clatitas for dessert. It was super filling and I could barely eat all of it. Since we were there, we decided to teach her about the Restoration. She was so interested in our lesson and she wants to know more! She accepted a Book of Mormon and she walked us to our bus station to leave. What a super awesome lady! We finished the night making brownies and cake at the other elder's apartment because they were both leaving. It was a super sweet night!
We love baking haha

Elder Thomson and Dixon and our cake

My week was super awesome and I love being out here on my mission! I hope and pray all of you are doing great as well! I miss you all and love you all as well! Keep being awesome!

A cute cat in a gutter (sorry for being out of focus)

Va iubesc,
Elder Bowen


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