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Always Be a Disciple of Christ

This was a great week for me. In a nutshell, the week can be described as one word: Always. Always be ready to share your testimony, always be positive and cheerful, always have a prayer in your heart, always see the good in the world, let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly (always), always be a disciple of Jesus Christ. I saw this week as I did these things, miracles happened and many great and marvelous things came to pass. One of the great ones was our English student Bogdan. He expressed a desire to learn more about our church so we met with him after English Tuesday. We taught a short Restoration with a focus on Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. It wasn't anything complicated, but we testified that it will bless his life and help him find purpose as well. He loved it, accepted a Book of Mormon and then proceeded to come to church on Sunday. He really enjoyed it and now we have a good relationship. We then had a couple miracles on Saturday while doing our regular missionary work. We were in line for food in McDonald's and Elder Stark and I were talking about food in Romanian and then when it was Elder Stark's turn to order, he asked me a quick question in English. This simple switch of languages led to a person in front of us to ask about where we were from. We then had a quick discussion about our purpose and in about a minute, we exchanged numbers, set up a time to meet, and got our food. Always be a disciple of Christ and always be ready to share your testimony. We have been really seeing the success from always doing the simple things and always being obedient to the rules and to the commandments.

We also had an exchange with Arad. I was with Elder Seegmiller and I really wanted to go into this seeing the work ethic, what was going on in the city, and if we could start the fire back there. And we did a pretty good job! We did contacting, got a few numbers, spoke in Romanian the entire day, and it was great. We found this guy named Raul who's absolutely in love with America so he was super interested in talking to us! Super simple conversation but turns out he is investigating the church now so I'm super pumped about that!

Keep it simple, God works in the small and simple things and makes them great and marvelous. Probably the most simple, yet hard, thing you could do is just be happy, always be grateful, always love your neighbor, always work hard, always follow Christ, and always be a disciple of Him. It seems simple, but hard, but I promise that blessings will come by doing these things. If you are always doing something, you don't need to worry about it ever stopping. So always do the right thing. I love you all (as always) and I miss you all and wish for good things to happen to you all. LOVES!

Va iubesc,
Elder Bowen


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