Hey everyone this was a pretty great week here in Cluj!
This was a really good week here in Cluj. We had lot of opportunities to work with people and have lessons and to interact with other missionaries in the process. So we have been continually working with Gabriel and this week we had a really big focus on the commandments, especially keeping the Sabbath Day and the Word of Wisdom. And he was really into everything and he wanted to keep them and once again he promised to come to church. And to make sure he came to church, we went to his house on Saturday and had a lesson with him there. All went great and we thought he was coming to church. But out of the blue on Sunday, he told us he needed a break and that he didn't want us to call or text him anymore and that he will initiate the conversation if he wanted to meet. So that was a really hard way to end the week, but that is how it goes. We have tried our 100% best to help him and if it's not the right time, we can't force the Spirit upon him. But we have been finding new people and all is well. This new week will definitely be a good one as we continue to work with people and get them to church especially. We have a bunch of people saying they will come this next week and I am super excited to work with these people and get them progressing towards baptism.
Shaorma |
Great things are going on here in Cluj. Though we may not be having the most lessons, the most new people, the most people at church, etc., we are doing things that are growing us as missionaries. I have seen myself grow into a person I never thought I would ever become. I have become more faithful through following Jesus Christ, I have been more charitable by turning outward instead of turning inward. I've become a more diligent, more humble, and more willing to put myself out there for the Lord. If someone asked me if I would turn everything down for the Lord, I would do it because I love the Lord and I would serve him the rest of my life. So do what ever it takes to do that. Improve everything possible to become like Christ. I love you all and I hope and pray for everything to go well for you all back home!!
Sword of Gabriel |
Va iubesc,
Elder Bowen
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