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The Ferrari is out of the Garage :O

Hey everyone, this was a great week here in Timisoara!!
Light the world chalk contacting

This was a great week for us here in Timisoara. We had a great opportunity to teach Raul this week and we focused on the prophet. It wasn't the best lesson, but we got everything focused at the end and invited him to study the words of President Nelson. I know that as he does that, he will gain a deeper testimony and he will come closer to Christ. The biggest problem right now is that his family isn't letting him go to church which is the next big step for him to progress. But hopefully we can get him to the special meeting on the 23rd. We also had a lesson with Loredana (or should I say Elder Strobel did because he did it on exchanges with the Zone Leaders), but from what I heard, it was a really good lesson. The focus was on the Book of Mormon and connecting the dots with everything. We are now following up with her everyday to help her see the importance of the Book of Mormon more. We have also been blessed with some new people showing interest in the church and learning more. This new English student named Daniel said he is really interested and we invited him to church and he came!! He loved it and he really appreciated the invitation. We're hoping that we can meet up this week and continue to grow on his experience at church. We then received a referral from our friends in Moldova and we are going to meet with him this week and talk a little bit. Everything is going alright here and we are hoping that we can continue the momentum into this week so we can be as a snowball rolling down a mountain--powerful and unstoppable.

Splits with Elder Thomson

We have had good success working with members, especially Fratele Paniti. We have been trying to work with him to go visit less active members, but he has been kind of flaky lately. We were thinking of doing some contacting with him and Fratele Viorel and have the focus be the Book of Mormon or Light the World and have them just go for it. Fratele Paniti considers himself "a ferrari in the garage" and with him getting more and more involved, he has now said "the ferrari has been taken out of the garage" (hence the title haha) We also really want to have a Light the World Family Home Evening, but we have not been successful in getting in contact with the Tamas family, the only family in the branch at the moment and a family we really want to come back. We were also thinking of trying a Family Home Evening with Loredana and Sora Jureschi but we will see with that. And we have been trying to get in contact with Fratele Munteanu and to bring him back to church, but he feels like he is not ready to come to church or even have the missionaries at his house. We are really going to focus on how the process begins with a single step and that he can take this step. Overall, we have the materials, but we need to get everything situated and have all the pieces put together. We are doing getting along slowly but steadily.

Preparing food for a service project

We had an exchange with the Zone Leaders and I was with Elder Quist, a great missionary from Canada who actually is going home in a week so that's pretty sad. It went really well, though, even though we didn't have everything go as planned. Our biggest plus was our meeting with Fratele Paniti and we started discussing ways we can get work done here in Timisoara before Alba Iulia. It went well and that's where we got the good contacting idea. But our chalk contacting, Light the World idea didn't go well and we were bunged, but we still worked hard and it was a good day.
Elder Quist!

Fun story, we had a service project this weekend! We made sandwiches and treats for a school of kids who can't hear or speak. It was a simple act of service but the school really loved it, especially because the kids weren't able to go home from school (it's a boarding school of some sorts) due to family problems or financial problems. It was awesome to be the light for these kids this weekend. #LighttheWorld #LumineazaLumea

We really had a great week, with our lessons and member interactions and especially our service activity on Saturday. Elder Strobel and I are doing pretty well and we really want to make this last week a good one before the new transfer. We made some solid goals and we are really excited to get to work. This should be a great week for us in Timisoara and I hope we can bring more souls unto Christ and build this city and branch of Timisoara!!!! 

Rock the world, remember who you are, remember who loves you, especially our Father in Heaven who loves you enough to give you trials. He loves us enough to cut us down so we can love him with that same love. Love your fellow man this week like God loves you! Love you all and hope for a great week!!

Va iubesc,
Elder Bowen


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