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Hey everyone this was a super great week! We worked hard and we saw some fruits of our labors!
English Class

So the biggest highlight had to have been at church on Sunday. Whenever you have hard weeks, whenever you really put forth the effort into something, you want something good to happen in return. And we were blessed to have 14 people at church, 3 people we are teaching at church, and we just felt good about it. I know they are staggering numbers, but I feel super blessed and happy for what happened. These are some of the best numbers I have really seen (outside of Bucuresti because there's a lot of people haha). But for here in Timisoara, it was amazing. We had this couple named Raul and Lili at church and the funny thing about them is that we accidentally invited them to church. We thought we were inviting someone else but in the end it went great. They really loved coming to church and now we are meeting with them this week! It's pretty great how God will send people who are prepared for the Gospel and how he will help us know who these people are. That happened with Raul and Lili and we are super excited to start teaching them.

We had a great Skype lesson with our man Tanase and it was a weird sequence of events. We wanted to just read the Book of Mormon with him about faith, but as we were talking, I felt an impression to start teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and talk more about faith and go on to repentance, baptism, Holy Ghost, endure to the end. And honestly, that was pretty crazy because we did not plan that at all. So Elder Kemeny was kind of surprised (sorry bro) but we we both just shared the message from our hearts and we pulled up scriptures that really emphasized what we were teaching. It's hard to teach him and have Tanase progress, but this lesson was a really good one. He felt something and we felt something and that something is the Spirit testifying of the truth. We hope he can get his car fixed so we can baptize him hahaha.

This week, nothing over the top happened. No crazy experiences, no fun events, no awful tragedies. We taught lessons, we taught English, we talked to people on the streets, we studied Romanian, we called people, we lived a missionary life. But we really had an amazing week and we worked hard every single day. And that is what I'm proud about. Hard work is good work. And in then end, you will be blessed. Notice that it is the word "will", not the word "might" or "maybe". You will be blessed. I love you all and I hope you have a great week! Don't forget who you are!

Va iubesc,
Elder Bowen


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