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Oh No! The Umbră!

Hey everyone, this was a crazy week, but we are still alive and well!

So we did some crazy work this week and managed to find 6 new people to teach!! It's super crazy because we are still trying to figure out this city and we are learning so much to accomplish our goals. So these 6 new people were definitely a surprise to us. Probably the coolest and most potential worthy is this guy named Tatenda from Zimbabwe. He's been in Romania 7 years and is a super faithful man. He loves Jesus and he told us that he wants to meet up and learn more about our message. We'll meet up with him this week and I'm super excited!!!

We also did some crazy member work this week. Probably the best was helping this less-active American family move apartments. They are super amazing people and they appreciated the help so much. We spent 2 days helping them and it was worth it because now they are thinking about coming back to church! But whatever happens, they now know and love us for the hard-work we helped them do. They are also African American so they were a party. Apparently I look like African American to them and now they call me "brutha". Respect *drop mic*
A little girl whose family we helped move.

We also had Zone Conference this week and it went really well. We had it in Timisoara so we didn't have to travel, but we did have to buy food and set up the church which wasn't as fun. But we made some awesome salad and everyone loved it and the pizza actually came on time so we did a pretty good job. We focused a lot on studies and how we can effectively study and enlighten our minds so we can be the best missionaries possible. It was a super awesome conference and it went super well!
Moving Truck

Fun story from this week! Since I'm the Branch President, whenever something bad happens, I have to figure something out on the fly. For example, Sunday a member did not show up even though they had to give a talk. So your homeboy Elder Bowen has to improvise and do something about it, which essentially means just speak yourself. So I spoke for 25 minutes in Romanian talking about our purpose in life and it worked. And to top it off, the members came up to me and said how much they loved my talk and how they felt the Spirit strongly. So I am not saying you should always wing your talks because the Spirit will do everything, but I am a witness that the Spirit is with those who are worthy and ready for anything. God promises that when we open our mouths, we will be given utterance and words to speak. I testify that God loves us and is willing to help us when we step up and go forward. We will not learn and grow if we sit down and cry. We must step up and push through the pain. I love you all and I hope for a wonderful week!

Va iubesc,
Elder Bowen


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