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Takin' it to the streets!

Hello everybody! This was my first week in Bucuresti and it was pumping!!!

Tuesday was a slower day overall as I tried to get used to the city. We ended up going to an investigator's place named Axenia and read the Book of Mormon with her. It wasn't too intense but at the end we ended up talking about Jesus and his role in the Book of Mormon. We ended up challenging her to read 3 Nephi 11 when Jesus visits the Nephites in the Americas. After that, we went to the church and turns out Panduri has an actual church building!!!!! And it looks super awesome!!!! However, with a church building and a lot of snow, we had to shovel the parking lot and walkways for the church. Not as fun, but a good time nonetheless.

Wednesday we did more shoveling for people, mainly for the sidewalks and around cars. It was really fun because we got all the elders in Bucuresti and put on Helping Hands shirts and started to do work. It was a good time and we were able to do a lot for the people around us.

Thursday we did some solid weekly planning and prepared for a solid week in the future. We also had a really great contacting session where I was able to get a pretty awesome contact. Her name is Daria and she was very interested in the Book of Mormon. I talked to her about it and she ended up absolutely loving the book. I gave her the book, exchanged numbers, and went on our way. Later in the evening, we get a call from her asking if we can give her another book because she wants to read the Book of Mormon with her boyfriend (apparently boyfriend is interested as well). So we were totally down for that and will try and meet up with them this coming week. Super awesome!!!

Piata Romana

Friday I had my first actual district meeting in quite some time. It was an awesome meeting with cool missionaries and we had a good time talking about the work! Later on in the day, we went contacting again and this time, I met this guy named Alex. He seemed like a normal, high school kid but we were able to have a really awesome conversation about the Book of Mormon and the church. He took a Book of Mormon and now we are preparing to meet up with him the coming week as well. 

Saturday, we taught English and that went pretty good. Nothing special, but it was quality time overall. Later on, Elder Ward practiced music for church and that was that. In the evening, we went Less-Active member hunting and ran into this guy named Alexandru. He was a really chill person and we managed to have a good conversation with him. He told us his entire story with being baptized and then becoming less-active. Afterwards, we invited him to come to church and that was how we ended the day.

Piata Unirii

Sunday was a really awesome day overall. We got to church early for branch choir and there I met President Doru, the branch president. He is a really fun guy and super positive about life (he also was really jealous of my curly hair, but lets be honest, everyone is). We sang in choir and that was an experience because Romanians don't sing the best. But I enjoyed it! Afterwards, church started and it was super awesome because we have a branch of around 50, which is the most people I have seen at church in quite some time. We also were fortunate to have Alexandru come to church which was super awesome! I'm not totally sure what he felt about it all, but he came!! Super awesome and it made church awesome!
Chapel in Panduri - Bucuresti

Hard is good. As long as we put our trust in the Lord, we can press forward with a confidence that the Lord will be there for us. Trust in the Lord, have faith in the Lord, rejoice in the Lord!! Love you all!!!!

Va iubesc,
Elder Bowen


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