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Speaking in Church (photo was from a member) |
Howdy everyone! This week was a pretty long and fun week!
Tuesday was my 5 month mark for my mission! That's pretty
crazy not gonna lie. I can't believe I have been out of Iowa for that long
haha. We had a really bomb English class Tuesday which was really awesome! We
had a few new people come and turns out they are interested in religion!
Overall, it's 7 people interested in religion from English and Elder Sewell and
I are pumped! We might just start a religion class if more people like that are
coming haha.
Wednesday we went over to Sora Delia's and we had a
wonderful time one again. We are preparing her for the temple and she is just
killing every lesson we have with her about the temple. It's really cool to see
and it makes me really excited to have her go to the temple! Other than that,
we were supposed to have people come fix our washing machine, but no one showed
up which was a bummer, especially after waiting 2+ hours for it :/
Thursday was a bust overall. We were going to go to Braila,
a city 30 minutes away which has a referral that we wanted to meet up with, but
we messed up and didn't prepare well enough and weren't able to go. It was
rough because I really wanted to go and try and bring another soul unto Christ,
but it just wasn't the day. That made the entire day feel really meh and gross
because we had the entire day planned for Braila.
Friday, however, was a much better day! We weekly planned
(which for some reason always gets me pumped haha) and we realized that we need
to work our tails off this week to get something going, Diligence is something
that I need to ramp up if I want to start having success in Galati. The people are
stubborn, but if you try hard enough, someone will listen to you. We then
finished the evening by going to Sora Prada's and we read the Book of Mormon
which made for a easy going evening for us.
Saturday was a high quality day. English went really well
and were able to get a couple people interested about meeting up and talking
about our message. The question is when though but as long as they are
interested, it doesn't matter when or where for the time being. We also went to
this English student's place for dinner. Her name is Liliana and she made us
some really good food. Duck soup and sarmale for the win! When you get those
quality Romanian cooks, the food is absolutely amazing haha!
Sunday we had a nice day at church. Elder Sewell and I spoke
which was really nice. I spoke about our purpose on Earth and I thought it went
really well. The biggest thing I got out of the talk was that we must have
opposition in all things. We can't be happy without knowing the sad. We need
hard times to have easy times. Without opposition, we wouldn't be happy, sad,
mad, hungry, bored, anything. We wouldn't feel anything because we don't have
the opposition in our lives. That's what makes triumphs and happy times so
great! Imagine a roller coaster. A roller coaster that only goes forward and
doesn't go up and down is really boring. However, when the ride has a lot of
twists and turns and ups and downs, we enjoy the ride a lot more. The same is
with life. The rest of the day was pretty good. Although Gelu did not come to church,
he called us saying he didn't want to come to church because he didn't have any
nice clothes to wear. It was sad to not see him at church but now he knows that
as long as you are at church, God will be happy with you. Unfortunately, that
means that he won't be baptized this week, but that won't be a huge problem. To
finish the night, we went over to the Stancus and had another great family home
evening with them!
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Family Home Evening with the Stancu Family |
Keep moving forward and never lose sight of your true
potential (which is eternal life with our Heavenly Father if you didn't know).
Love you all and only hope for the best for everyone!
Va iubesc,
Elder Bowen
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