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Another one in the books!

Hello everyone! This week was super lit and super fun!

The Iowans!
Bowen, Redenbaugh, Sheffield

Tuesday was ZONE CONFERENCE! Zone Conference was super fun and super inspiring as well. The main focus was really being tight like unto a dish as it says in Ether 2. We need to be tight in our schedules, tight with our invitations, tight with our studies, etc. It was a really great and I loved it once again! I also had an interview with President Hettinger and he told me he is loving what is going on in Galati! He told me that he wants to keep me there for another transfer so I can baptize some people before I go anywhere else. That sounded really nice because it shows he is putting his trust in me and knows that Galati has a lot of potential! I am super pumped!

Wednesday we did exchanges with the Zone Leaders and I went with an elder named Elder Forsyth. He is an awesome guy and I love him to death and an exchange with him was really awesome. We had some pretty good success contacting and met a lot of awesome people that you would never meet in Galati haha. But the highlight of the day was on the train ride home. We sat by this younger guy but we were so tired that we just wanted to sleep and not worry too much about him. After about an hour, he accidentally kicked me, so I woke up and we then started talking because he spoke English. His name is Emilian and he goes to a private Orthodox school in Galati. When we were talking, he got really interested in why we are in Romania, what's our purpose, etc. and we were able to give him essentially the whole Restoration lesson and a Book of Mormon. After a little bit, things started winding down and we were talking with all of his friends. While one of his friends was talking to Elder Sewell, he pulled me to the side and started talking to me and how he's asked himself some big questions like "What will happen to me after I die?" and "Why did God create me?". I was then able to teach him about God's love for us and the Plan of Salvation and afterwards he sat there and was amazed. He told me that he has had those questions since he was 8 years old and he finally found his answers and felt peace and understanding. Nothing compares to testifying of God's pure love for us and having the person feel the Spirit so strongly and so clearly in such a way as Emilian. It just shows how strongly the Spirit can be when someone is prepared!!!

Thursday was a very relaxed day because we got home really late and we slept in a little bit. We also had to do some shopping and laundry because we couldn't do that before Zone Conference. But we still taught English and that was alright. It was a nice chill day after a super awesome day.

Friday was a nice day. We did our weekly planning and it was super awesome because we have a really nice teaching pool to work with. Nothing much happened besides that but weekly planning is always super awesome, especially in our case haha.

Saturday was a fun day full of English and cleaning the church, but we also did some Less-Active member hunting. In doing so, we met up with this man named Cornel. He was really happy when we came to his house and we were able to have a really nice conversation with him. We invited him to church and he said he would try his best to come.

Sunday was the day that either could've been terrible or amazing. And it ended up amazing! Our investigator Gelu came to church and that was super awesome to see him there. He really enjoyed church and got into the discussions we had. We were able to teach him afterwards the Plan of Salvation and that was a pretty good lesson with him overall. Cornel also came to church and that was super awesome also!! Everyone we wanted to be at church came and that made church that much better! 
Cute Pumpkin
(No idea why he sent this one, so your guess is as good as ours)

Never forget the many blessings you have around you. You have been blessed with so much that you would never expect to be blessings. I love you all and hope you are all rocking the world! Keep being awesome!

Va iubesc,
Elder Bowen


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