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Serious(?) picture with me and my new mug with my Mission President's face on it.
(From Cole’s dad.
Cole was so happy to talk today.  He wanted to thank you for all your emails, your support and friendship.  It is a huge support for him.  He loves you all and apologizes if he doesn’t respond to your emails as quickly and completely as he would like to.  He was so positive and happy.  For sure he misses home, but isn’t homesick, and is really happy with the opportunity to teach others.  He is embracing the culture, the language, and the challenges of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ in Romania.  We were so happy to hear his voice and see him face to face.  It was the best Christmas gift ever.  Now on to his letter)
Cole in Iowa!  At least on the computer.

Merry Christmas everybody!! I love you all and I hope you have an awesome day! My week was pretty great so listen up!

Tuesday, we went over to Sora Delia's house and she prepared an entire meal for us!!! She also got us Christmas gifts which was also pretty awesome! She is such a good person and I love her so much! Everything was so nice that morning! In the afternoon, we went contacting and I successfully got 2 numbers! It was super sweet, and I felt so great afterwards!

Wednesday was a pretty short day because we left in the afternoon for Zone Conference. But we successfully gave out 3 Book of Mormons and got 3 new contacts and it was such a great day!!! It was pretty unfortunate because of how great we were but it was still nice to leave to Zone Conference because Zone Conference is great!!

Thursday was the day before Zone Conference which means exchanges with the Zone Leaders in Iasi! And I went on an exchange again with Elder Redenbaugh!!! Iowa pride together again haha. The day was pretty sweet because we had a very full day overall. We went contacting and in about 10 minutes we gave away a Book of Mormon and got a new contact! It was super crazy because that rarely happens in Galati. We also taught a lesson to an investigator and it was a very successful lesson. To finish the night, we went caroling and it was super fun because we had 13 elders ultimately do it so it was sweet!! It was an awesome day and I learned to love Iasi (a little more than Galati haha).
The Iowa Missionaries
Sora Sheffields, Elders Redenbaugh and Bowen

Friday was Zone Conference and it was a sweet Conference to say the least. We focused on inviting people to church because that is how we get investigators to be baptized. We were taught to be obedient to have the Spirit with us and to bold, so people understand the importance of coming to church. It was super awesome, and I hope we can begin to put what we taught into action. In the evening, we had a white elephant and I received a mug with President Hettinger's face on it. You will see how great it is hahahaha.
Another pic of me and my new mug.

Saturday, we got back into Galati and it was very nice to be back home. We went contacting early on and met a man who wants to meet up and stop smoking which is an awesome thing! He lives outside of Galati though and that is pretty rough. The highlight though was teaching a less-active member and her boyfriend, and it went alright! We hope that we can keep teaching them and get them both active in the church!

Sunday was a pretty rough day actually. Church was pretty nice, and all the kids gave talks about Christmas and it was super cute! But afterwards, we went home and decided to make cookies for our branch members. That ended up taking 3 hours and we just felt really gross afterwards. We still delivered the cookies and it was a nice experience to be so nice to our branch members.

This week I finished the Book of Mormon in English and Romanian which was super awesome! I truly gained a testimony of the Book of Mormon and its truth. I know it is true and I know reading the Book of Mormon will bring happiness and joy into your lives. Read the Book of Mormon with a question and you will receive an answer. I know the Book of Mormon contains the word of God and testifies of Jesus Christ.

I love you all and hope you have a great week! Trust in the Lord, have faith in the Lord, rejoice in the Lord! Craciun Fericit!

Va iubesc,
Elder Bowen
Galati Skyline
Galati Skyline


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