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Week 6 Bitter Sweetness

Elder Bowen and his Bodyguards Ward and Atkinson

Hey hey hey it is your buddy Elder Bowen with the scoop on the missionary life of me!

Bodyguards on break.  And one of my favorite scriptures.

Sunday was a very spiritual day with church and all the church activities and devotionals. It was the last Sunday with the old Italian missionaries and it was a little sad cause I really loved them and did not want them to leave. But we were able to hear them bear their testimonies as they prepared to leave the MTC. We also were able to watch a talk by Elder Callister called Consecrated Missionary. It basically made the difference between a great missionary from an absolutely amazing missionary. It all boils down to how much you love the church and how much you are willing to serve the Lord and how much you love Him. It was an awesome talk and I felt very inspired to watch it.
Don't mess with us Romanians.  Our new album cover.

Monday was hard because half of the Italians left and it was super empty without them there. But the biggest focus was on Elder Atkinson. By this time, his headaches were getting extremely bad and he could not go very long without another big surge of pain. To add on top of that, he started getting huge chest pains that hurt just as much as his headaches. We went to the doctors but he was not in a good position at all. We were not able to do much in class and we just tried to make things work for his circumstances.

Tuesday was even worse because the rest of the Italians left and it was just the Romanians in the zone for the entire day! It was super weird because we only talked to them all the time. After we finished crying over that, we took Elder Atkinson to get an MRI for his headache. It was a long process but I was able to get quality scripture study in while waiting for him. It was a rough day though and I really had to use all my patience and charity in me to get through the day. I just wanted everything to be okay and learn Romanian! 

Wednesday was the day we got the results that Elder Atkinson is okay!! The MRI did not have any problem and he would be able to make a full recovery by the time we leave which was pretty awesome!!! We also got to meet the new Italian missionaries and they are so cool!!! While we only will get to be with them for about 5 days, I can't wait to get to know them!! that was really the highlight of my week was seeing them!

Romania District and some good friends who are going to Montreal Canada

Thursday was interesting because it was a regular day but something was not right. Elder Atkinson is doing much better and he is being his old energetic self again and Elder Ward is still being sweet and chill. But our companionship realized how this week has really affected us. We talked every over and realized what our problems really are. We love each other but sometimes we steal the other person's thunder and don't give them the opportunities to shine. It really is hard cause I am passive and will not engage in anything if someone else is talking. But we talked about how our differences can be overcome and we can use them. But it was an eye opening experience for all of us.

Today was a sweet day in general. Our new zone went to the temple together and it was such an awesome experience. I felt the Spirit the strongest in my MTC experience. I could hear God whispering to me that he is still by my side guiding me through this path. It was super great and I needed it so much after a rough week in the MTC. After that, we were able to play zone volleyball and it was apparent that I am pretty bad compared to some of the new missionaries but it was super fun to play and get to know them!

This week may have been tough but I have a testimony of God's love for us and that he is still watching over us. While we may think we are alone we are absolutely not.

Yeah, I got a haircut!

I love you all and miss you all! I hope everything is going great for all of you no matter the circumstances. May God strengthen you to be equal to your circumstances! 

Va pup,
Elder Bowen


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