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Showing posts from November, 2018

Thankfully Traveling on Trains for a Turkey Treat on a Thursday

Hey everyone, it's that time again!! Time to hear of the great adventures of Timisoara!!!! This week has been a good one here in Timisoara. We had good moments with our friends and helping them to come unto Christ. We had a lesson with Giulia and we focused a lot on the Book of Mormon. She didn't accept one our last meeting and we really wanted to help her see the importance of the Book of Mormon in our lives. So we had a really deep lesson about the Book of Mormon and the Spirit was super strong. Elder Strobel and I bounced ideas off of each others and in the end we testified strongly of the truthfulness. She ultimately did not accept a Book of Mormon because she's still afraid it'll confuse her and her beliefs. While it's kind of upsetting, the Spirit testified strongly and that will help her in the future when we bring up the Book of Mormon. We also had a lesson with a girl named Ica from English and that was not a very good lesson. We tried teaching the Restor

Romania cold is JUST like Iowa cold...

Hey everyone this was a jam-packed week!!! We managed to have a lesson almost everyday and that was just super awesome in the first place. We had another lesson with our guy Raul and he is doing really well. He is about 370 pages into the Book of Mormon and he is just getting everything. We taught him some of the commandments, including the sabbath day because that is the next step for him. We really made it clear that coming to church was important and he was really looking forward to it. Sadly, he got bronchitis Friday and has still been sick in bed since then, meaning he couldn't come to church. But, he's been reading from the Book of Mormon while in bed so he's doing his best. We hope that he continues to progress and gets better so he can come to church. We then taught another woman Irina the Plan of Salvation and it went alright, just a bit scattered again because of her questions on the sabbath day. She is asking the same questions which is confusing but she'

Romanian Corn is not Iowan Corn....

Hey everyone how is life!!! Cause life is a party here!!! So I got my new companion! His name is Elder Strobel from Idaho Falls and he's a pretty chill guy. We are super excited to get work done here in Timisoara!! Receiving Elder Strobel has been pretty great and we have been learning and growing together and we have had many opportunities to teach together. We have had lessons everyday and each one has gone very well. We taught our friend Raul about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and he liked it a lot. We invited him to baptism, but he wants to ask his parents before he makes a decision just yet. He's been reading and praying, but he has not come to church and I don't think he totally understands the importance just yet. His parents have told him he can come to church but every week his parents have plans and he can't come. We are hoping to teach him the commandments this week, with an emphasis on the sabbath day and church attendance. We also had a few Restorat

And I Did It My Way (I Wish)

Hey everyone how's it been?? It's been pretty wild here so listen up! So first off, transfers happened and the A.F.P.T. ( Alaska Fighting Palm Trees ) will be breaking up. Elder Kemeny is leaving me here in Timisoara and going to Sibiu. I'm going to miss him, but he's going do great things. Now the question is who will be with me. Good question, I don't know yet because I will be training one of the new missionaries here in Timisoara!! I'm pretty excited but also pretty freaked out because new missionary. But it'll be good. This was a great week for us here in Timisoara and the future really looks promising. This week we really wanted to have urgency while we taught, contacted, and did missionary work and we saw good success doing so. We saw probably the most success out of English because many people marked that they were interested in the Gospel. We made sure to contact them right away to set up something and it went really well! Hopefully it keeps