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Showing posts from November, 2017

Chicken and Ciorba

Hello everybody! This week was pretty sweet! Listen up y'all!   Elder Dixon and me and some Christmas Lights Tuesday was pretty normal. We tried to finish visa stuff but turns out we don't have all the stuff to complete that. So I am still illegal in the country so that is kinda scary haha. But it was pretty normal and nothing big happened. Wednesday we were going to have a lesson with this man named Anton but he had to leave like right after the prayer. But he told us that he felt so much peace and happiness when we said the prayer. He really wants to come to church and change his life around because he is raising a daughter by himself. He is a great man and I see a lot of potential with him. We also used the new Light the World video a lot while block knocking and a lot of people are super interested in what Christmas is truly about.   Meal with Sora Briscaru and her son Lucas Thursday was Thanksgiving! But Romanians do not celebrate that so that was sad

Lamps and Pizza

Well hello all you cool people! This week was pretty sweet as usual! Listen up carefully! Tuesday was a pretty normal day to say the least. I had to have a doctors appointment for my visa and that was the weirdest appointment ever. I couldn't understand anything the doctor was saying and I kind of just sat there. But I am healthy!!! Later that day, Elder Dixon and I went block knocking and we met this woman named Dorina. She was very friendly and let us in and we talked with her about families. She then showed us her collection of trinkets and one of them was a little lamp. She talked about it and then out of the blue she told us that she wanted us to have it. This small, Aladdin type lamp. Definitely a weird gift but hey I will take it!   Little lamp given to me by Dorina, a woman we met Wednesday we met another woman named Pina and she is a very interesting person. She is a very sad woman because of all the hardships she has gone through. We were able to talk to he

Cookies and Pears

Hello my friends! I have officially been out for 2 months! Only 22 more to go but I don't think anyone is counting. My week was pretty great so listen up! Tuesday was pretty uneventful to say the least. Elder Dixon and I were going to go street contacting with this awesome sign we made to get people to come to us, but we took so long making the sign that we didn't actually use it. It kind of stank, but that's missionary life. We also were going to have a lesson with this guy named Marius (who by the way, wants to be baptized!) but he had to clean up a street accident for his job. Kind of a bummer but as long as he has the desire to be baptized, I'm all good.  Our sign we took so long to make (Roll a dice and win a prize!) Wednesday we went on exchanges with the Zone Leaders and I went on a short exchange with Elder Redenbaugh (another elder from Iowa!!!!!). We went on a short 2 hour exchange, but I learned a lot and we had great success just talking to

Covrigs and Octopus

Near the center of Galati Hey everyone I am still alive and doing well in Romania so I will tell you all the happenings of life. Tuesday was technically Halloween but Romanians do not celebrate that. It was kind of a let down but oh well that's life. Elder Dixon and I got to meet with the Branch President of our branch, President Titi. He is such a cool man with an amazing conversion story. He essentially was looking for truth for so long and when he was about to give up, the missionaries came. Now he's an amazing member and branch president. Elder Dixon and I were able to talk to him and teach him the restoration for practice (mainly for me haha). President Titi was very impressed to see I can speak the language better than some missionaries would have been here for a while. He also gave some good insights on how to make the restoration more effective, like asking questions and making it more personal. It must be good advice cause he is a convert himself. The rest of