Hello everybody! This week was pretty sweet! Listen up y'all! Elder Dixon and me and some Christmas Lights Tuesday was pretty normal. We tried to finish visa stuff but turns out we don't have all the stuff to complete that. So I am still illegal in the country so that is kinda scary haha. But it was pretty normal and nothing big happened. Wednesday we were going to have a lesson with this man named Anton but he had to leave like right after the prayer. But he told us that he felt so much peace and happiness when we said the prayer. He really wants to come to church and change his life around because he is raising a daughter by himself. He is a great man and I see a lot of potential with him. We also used the new Light the World video a lot while block knocking and a lot of people are super interested in what Christmas is truly about. Meal with Sora Briscaru and her son Lucas Thursday was Thanksgiving! But Romanians do not celebrate that so that was sad
An LDS Missionary's journey from Iowa to serve in the Romania-Moldova (now the Hungary Romania) mission